Monday, January 23, 2012


You’ve heard them, right?

Those sassy little things that Nancy says to keep you going, correct your form, or salvage your innocence {some of those lyrics can be a little … well, you know!}?

She’s got ’em, Carolyn’s got ’em, and Barb and Ayla have ’em, too!

What are YOUR favorite catch-phrases from this fabulous quartet?

Nancyisms For Blog


  1. My favorites are "Eyes open ladies!" (when she teaches a new move!) and "BOUNCY BOUNCY!"

  2. I like Barbra's definition of a perfect squat. " Butt back. Like you're trying not to sit on a public toilet" :-)

  3. My favs:
    Carolyn: "And you're going to start to get tired right abouuuutt nnnnnow!"
    Ayla: "You can put more weight than THAT on the bar."
    And of course: Barbara:
    "Are those guns licensed in the Town of Bedford" said to my husband who hasn't stopped flexing since.

  4. I have a new fave I just heard last night from Nancy. "The happiness is in the jiggle!" Love it. That deserves to be on a tshirt. With sequins. ~Diane :)

  5. Love all those above too! Love Barb saying "Stick that butt back" Carolyn "Ladies really squeeze you butt on the way up"(and my eleven year old totally grossed out!)
    Ray "Are you sweating? That is fat screaming and running away from your body" "Did you feel that? Does this hurt? Good let's do it again"
    Michelle L


Got somethin' to say? Speak your mind! Just keep it clean and respectful!