School’s cancelled today in Bedford, and so is the 9:20 am BodyPump class at Callahan’s.
Rest those weary biceps, ladies, and Happy Halloween!
School’s cancelled today in Bedford, and so is the 9:20 am BodyPump class at Callahan’s.
Rest those weary biceps, ladies, and Happy Halloween!
From time to time, we’ll be featuring personal interviews with Kamate Fitness clients to find out what it is that they enjoy most about Kamate’s programs. A special thanks to Jen Buckley for being our first!
How long have you been taking Kamate Fitness classes?
Since day 1! Nancy has taught in the area for a few years, so when she started Kamate, I was already a loyal fan! Now I love seeing other gals enjoy it as much as I do.
What is your favorite aspect of BodyJam?
It's the whole package for me. The music, the choreography, it's Nancy and her energy and feeding off the energy of the other gals around you having fun.
There's actually one point in the class that's my favorite. It's about 3/4 of the way in: I'll be dripping in sweat—my muscles aching and tired—and we're jumping and moving and dancing and we'll turn up the music even higher. The energy just keeps building. My hair's flying, sweat's flying, and I'm just jamming as hard as I can and the endorphins are flowing … and I'm just
It's corny, but I swear it's happened hundreds of times. It's just the biggest, greatest escape.
What advice would you give to new Jammers?
You don't have to be a "dancer" to do it. BodyJam isn't just about dancing. It's about Jamming. There's a big difference. If you don't get the steps right the first, second, third or fourth time, it doesn't matter. It's about having fun, and about getting lost in a fantastic workout. The hardest part isn't the choreography:
it's letting go of your inhibitions.
Name either your favorite track or dance move!
Anything hip hop. I may be a minivan-drivin' mother of two, but give me a good hip hop track, and I am a happy girl. I love the strength of the moves, the power, the attitude.
Have any fun “get-fit” tips you’d be willing to share?
Find what you love to do to stay healthy and don't let anything get in your way of doing it. I sometimes feel like I have to move heaven and earth to make it to class: juggling work, family, and logistics of life. But it's always, always worth it. We don't think twice about paying for our kids’ activities or driving them all over for sports and such: we should treat ourselves—and our own health—with that same level of commitment! We deserve it!
What part of your fitness journey are you most proud of?
This summer, the night before my 40th birthday actually, I was at BodyJam. It was a super hot night but we were dancing hard {as usual} and the fans were going full blast and I was in that fantastic zone ... at one point I took a good look in the mirror at that gal dancing {I still have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror, it just feels weird} and I actually liked what I saw! Not because of my moves, or my body, it was the look on my face:
Commitment . Strength. I am here. This is my body. My workout. My BodyJam. My zone. And I own it!
At that moment I realized just how far I'd come over the years. It was a pretty cool moment.
Thank you, Jen, for a great interview!
Today’s the day!
Will Nancy retain her “Best Trunk” title? Stop by the
Whole Foods parking lot
this afternoon at 4:30 to find out! Could she possibly dream up something better than last year’s display?!
You’ll have to just wait and see!
WHAT Bedford Chamber of Commerce’s Trunk or Treat
WHERE Whole Foods parking lot on the Great Road, Bedford
WHEN From 4:30 to 6:30 pm, Friday, October 28 {TODAY!}, costume parade at 5:30 pm
COST Free!
{Don’t miss one BodyPump or BodyJam update, recipe, or dance move tutorial! Subscribe to Kamate Fitness: The Blog by clicking here!}
Here it is, folks: Nancy’s favorite smoothie recipe*!
“I drink 1/2 before my workout and 1/2 after my workout. The 'pre' gets your body fired to work. The 'post' nourishes, and your body absolutely soaks in the nutrition and restorative properties of the food.
You just need a really good blender; I love my Vitamixer.” {Cue Michelle looking into Vitamixer Affiliate program.}
In your mixer, put
Cover all ingredients with water and blend.
It’s delicious and oh-so-healthy. Enjoy!
*Modified from Annie's Raw Kitchen.
{Don’t miss one BodyPump or BodyJam update, recipe, or dance move tutorial! Subscribe to Kamate Fitness: The Blog by clicking here!}
So last week we started a whole new Jam routine, and as usual, I had nothing but
two left feet.
Happens every time, because I follow what I like to call “The Rule of 3” when it comes to my beloved BodyJam class. It goes a little something like this {please visualize along with me as I give you the play-by-play}:
Practice really does make perfect!
The moral of the story is this:
don’t be intimidated
by the moves! The more you do them, the easier they become. And don’t compare yourself to other Jammers … some have been Jammin’ for years now and they could do the moves in their sleep.
If there’s some combo you feel you just can’t get, don’t hesitate to ask Nancy after class and she’ll walk you through it personally.
And don’t underestimate the power of the Davy Jones: when in doubt, it works, baby.
{Don’t miss one BodyPump or BodyJam update, recipe, or dance move tutorial! Subscribe to KFit: The Blog by clicking here!}
You know Kamate Fitness and its programs are top-notch.
You know that the music motivates you, the instructors keep you going, and the work outs are
making their mark!
And you know that your referrals earn you rewards. But do you wanna know—specifically—what you’re playing for? {Hmmm … I like that. Someone should use that for a Reality TV catch-phrase.}
Okay, here goes. Tell a friend to grab their workout gear, a drink, and a towel, then take
and bring them to class. {You actually don’t need to bring the ticket … just let your friend know their first class is free!}
And just for bringing that friend, you’ll receive a gift card to this sweet little ol’ place. Yum! Don’t sweat it: we won’t even ask if you get the whipped cream.
And if that friend enrolls in a Kamate Fitness program, you’ll enjoy
25 percent off the cost of your winter session…
and, of course, the knowledge that you’ve shared something amazing with them!
Does life get any better than this? Yes, it does: but only if you sign up a second, a third, and a fourth …
{Don’t miss one BodyPump or BodyJam update, recipe, or dance move tutorial! Subscribe to KFit: The Blog by clicking here!}
Word on the street is that at some point over the next week, Nancy might be shakin’ things up and switching the latest BodyJam routine. Could it be?! No more Turbulence or Paris Hands {awww, I was getting into that!} or Running Man … we’ve mastered it, and we’re lookin’ way too good, I guess.
So you know what that means?
It means that if you’ve been thinking of signing up for BodyJam, NOW is the time to start. And for those loyal Jammers who’ve been at it a while, now’s the time to share the Jam fun with your friends by bringing them to a class!
Everyone will be new to the steps.
Everyone will think “Oh, dear Lord, my body just doesn’t do that!”
And everyone will curse Nancy for lookin’ so darn good through it all. {Where did she get those boots?}
It goes back to what I like to call “The Rule of 3”: three classes in, everyone’s looking like they’ve Jammed all their life, but Class No. 1: well, let’s just say we laugh a lot.
So join up now and start groovin’ with us. We’ll all be looking good—in and out of class—in no time.
{Don’t miss one BodyPump or BodyJam update, recipe, or dance move tutorial! Subscribe to KFit: The Blog by clicking here!}
Welcome to Kamate Fitness : the blog! This is where you’ll find the latest and greatest news on Kamate Fitness, BodyJam and BodyPump classes, plus lots of cool info geared toward helping you embrace a healthier lifestyle—the fun way!
Whether you’re new to Kamate Fitness or have been Jammin’ and Pumpin’ with Nancy Griffiths and her crew for some time now, here is your mission, should you choose to accept it:
First, subscribe to KFit : the blog! That way you won’t miss one single post. It’s an easy, two-step process: just enter your email address in the blank “Follow By Email” field on the right side of the page, and click “Submit.”
Then wait approximately 28 seconds, and check your email “in” box {or your junk mailbox if your account filters out what it doesn’t recognize}. There you’ll find a verification email from Feedburner. Click on the link within that email, and you’re all set!
Secondly, be sure to share this link with your friends and family:
and tell them these are the classes they’ve been waiting for! Aw, heck, send it out to your entire address book … what’s stopping you?! {Remember, referrals are handsomely rewarded.}
Finally, get your workout shoes on and meet me at class … we’re gonna have some fun!
Hey people! Did you know that even though the fall session at Kamate Fitness began in September, you can still register? Uh-huh! It’s true.
Fees are prorated for late enrollees,
so call the Bedford Recreation Department at 781.275.1392 today! There’s a BodyPump class tonight, a BodyJam workout tomorrow morning, and both classes run back-to-back to wake you up on Saturday!
And even better: the fall session runs until December 23rd, so there’s plenty of time
to get to your best “you”
before the holidays!
So what are you waiting for?
Sign up, rock star, and we’ll see you there!
{Don’t miss one BodyPump or BodyJam update, recipe, or dance move tutorial! Subscribe to KFit: The Blog by clicking here!}
The following is a guest post from this little light.
Gyms suck.
For me, anyway. The thought of walking into any sort of “Fitness World” gives me hives. The classes feel more like drills, the machines have way too many options, and the weights section always seems to come complete with one guy who sweats and grunts too much.
Though I’m sure he’s lovely.
It would take every ounce of discipline I had {and trust me, I don’t have much} to walk through a gym’s door on a semi-regular basis. The love just wasn’t there.
And then I found BodyJam {thanks, jb!}, led by the ultra-cool Nancy of Kamate Fitness.
Cue angels singing, please.
It rocks. And it allows me to indulge my Hip Hop soul.
This class brings me joy no matter what mood I arrive in. I can shlep through the doors thinking What a day … I’m tired and I’m hungry and wait, what’s that stuck to my backside? Oh, of course: dried oatmeal The Boy ate 8 hours ago.
Yes, the Queen of the House-Fraus. Oh, the glamour.
And then something happens.
Nancy puts her headset in place {picture Britney, but without the snake}. She flips the switch on the sound system. The beat starts up and the music surrounds me and while she leads us step-by-step through the routine, my adrenaline starts pumping {or are those endorphins? Or are they the same thing?} and all of a sudden—no matter what I might look like on the outside—on the inside I could give Sasha Fierce a run for her {choreography} money.
Because I’ve got moves.
It is the best hour of club-hopping cardio I’ve ever experienced. And no one has to force me to go. I race there, car windows open and music blastin’, just to get warmed up.
You want to join me, I know.
You’ve been looking for this sort of experience: not having to read up on the latest treadmill technology just so you don’t make a complete fool of yourself at the sports club. Hoping no one notices when you move that little peg thing from 100 to 15 lbs. on the weight machine. Those days are over, my friend: consider this your invite!
You will be slimmer. You will be fit. And you will have moves like Jagger. I promise.
To learn more about Fly my girl, Nancy, and Kamate Fitness, just click here. No, not here … back there on “click here.” There, that’s it.
See you tonight.
Disclaimer: This is not a paid post. I just had to share the BodyJam love.